Integration is very important for Tucán Flowers, as it allows us to balance social, work and family life. It also generates a pleasant environment among the workers of the different areas of the cultivation. That is why we are committed to our employees, ensuring to offer them a healthy, happy and social work environment in the development of their work activities.
Therefore, we have carried out a didactic activity of recreation and integration among our collaborators, making a recreational outing to the CAFAM Melgar Vacation Center where all our workers had a day of recreation with their co-workers, where a harmonious, fun and sociable environment was evident among all, without leaving aside all the biosafety and logistics protocols.
Similarly, it is worth highlighting the initiative that led the development of this activity by the partners of the company, since for them Tucán Flowers, must have a human talent that identifies with the values of the company, and project themselves in order to achieve all the purposes of life as the same. In which everyone is involved and have a sense of belonging to achieve their personal and professional goals.